Dr Selwyn E Arnold
Administrative Bishop 1984 - 1994

In 1965 Rev Dr. Arnold went to Ghana as a Founder and Overseer. His tenure in Ghana is well documented; he built a Bible School and a hospital, cared for the poor and trained and equipped ministers.
Appointment to National Overseer
He returned to England as the National Overseer in 1984 succeeding Dr. Jeremiah McIntyre. His first conference was on the 13th October of the same year where he was welcomed by Rev S. U. Thompson. Attending that conference were representatives from the USA, European Superintendent Revd Larry McDaniel, Revd J Herbert Walker, Revd Robert Hart and Revd Wendell Smith.
Change in method of Appointment
Under the leadership of Dr. Arnold, the NTCG for the first time selected its own National Overseer. It would end the longstanding arrangement where all National and Regional Overseers were appointed by the International Church of God Executive Committee. The UK would select an Overseer, have it ratified by the European Field Director and approved by the Church of God International Executive Committee.
The Ministers’ Conference of 10-11 September 1993 held at the Wolverhampton Church, voted in favour of the National Overseer, Tenure and Procedure of Appointment, the selection, duties and authorities, procedure for election and procedure for filling vacancies.
This procedure resulted from a resolution presented by I. V. Brooks to the Ministers’ Conference, 19 January 1985: “Be it resolved that this conference take the initiative by drafting a resolution to the General Church, to grant unto the said New Testament Church of God (UK), the status of “National Church”, (in place of the present technically- styled label“Missionary Church”) through which the Body of Christ better develops in dignity for the fulfillment of her purpose here in England.”
Dr. Arnold was a scholar, an inspiring teacher and preacher, a man who made the best use of the English Language, and a prolific note-taker. His management style and administrative skills were evident; the Deeds of Covenant were set up by Dr. Arnold, and he appointed area co-ordinators to oversee the process.
In 1984 Dr. Arnold conducted the first ordination service held independently of the National Convention. He was the first to take members of the National Executive Council on a mission trip outside the UK to Trinidad & Tobago.
Through Dr. Arnold’s leadership, the Church was encouraged to sympathise with young women who had fallen into moral sin and had become pregnant. He instructed that the Church should not dis-fellowship them but instead restore them.
Many individuals, who had studied at Overstone College and other projects which he had commissioned, will forever be grateful to him for his encouragement and support.